Is LilyPond capable of generating harmonized lines of notes? For example, say I have:

\key g \major
\melody { c8 d8 e8 fis8 g1 }

for one instrument and I want a second instrument to play a harmonized line a third up from that (e.g., { e8 fis8 g8 a8 b1 } ), is there a command for LilyPond to do this? Using "\transpose c e" would apply a major third interval to all the notes, resulting in the harmony line not being within the key of G.

I can of course just do this by hand, but I was looking for the automagical way if it exists. I have not been able to find anything in the documentation, the mailing list archives (other than a discussion about how \transpose does not do diatonic transposition) or the snippet repository that would point to this capability. Maybe I should just stop being lazy...


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