Who can help?

The glossary says „Stichnoten“ is in english cue notes and explains:
„In a separate part notes belonging to another part with the purpose of hinting
when to start playing. Usually printed in a smaller type.“

Unfortunately another meaning is missing. Sometimes there are smaller notes in a
voice as alternative (e.g. for players not able to play as low or as high, the
normal notes are).
(Like ossia, but not in a separate stave!)

I was looking for that now for a while in LM an d NR, but didn't find anything.

My try with \cueDuring was not successful. The cue notes aren't printed, only
the normal notes get stems upwards a this place.

The possibility to handle with „chords“, in which some notes are small, seems to
be much complicated - I suppose there is a better way(?)

\version "2.12.2"

\header {
        tagline = \markup \fontsize #-2 "Notensatz mit dem freien Programm 

\include "deutsch.ly"

Stichnoten= \relative { e4 d e f }

\addQuote "Stichnoten" { \Stichnoten }

Oberstimme= {
\key c
\time 2/2
\set fontSize = #-1

h'2 a4 g | c2 d4 e | \cueDuring #"Stichnoten" #DOWN { f2 g4 f } | e2 r |
cis2 h4 cis | d c b a | f e f g | gis2 g4 f |

\bar "|."

\score {
        \new ChoirStaff

\context Staff = NullteZeile
\context Voice = NullteZeileOberstimme {
\relative c' {\clef treble \Oberstimme}

        \set Score.skipBars = ##t
\layout {
    indent = #0
    \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }


h'2 a4 g | c2 d4 e | << { \stemUp f2 g4 f } { \stemDown e4 d e f } >> |
\stemNeutral e2 r |
cis2 h4 cis | d c b a | f e f g | gis2 g4 f |

is not an answer (and the stems aren't up and down as they should be! Also I
even don't know how to make the four notes smaller).



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