Bill Mooney wrote:
As an aside - could readers comment on how they arrange their workflow when transcribing scores from hand written originals (which is what I am cureently doing) - do you enter all the notes first to check the accuracy of note entry, then add articulations, markups etc later, or do you enter each note with its ties, slurs, markups, etc as you proceed through the piece? Any comments would be gratefully received.
Many thanks

I transcribe tejano/texmex songs, the horn parts, or the keyboard/accordian parts into horn parts for a 7 piece horn section. I made a template for my lilypond files which I've included below, just copy/paste into your text editor and take a look at it. As for the transpositions - I put the \key \major stuff in the \global section and the \transpose in the notes section, initially commented out, you'll see in the code below. My template includes parts for 7 horns, prints out the individual parts and a full score. Or just comment out the bottom section to not print the full score. My method of transcribing is to listen to the song to get familiar with the various parts I will be transcribing, write down on staff paper the lead horn part, usually trumpet, for the entire piece. Then I go back and do the harmony parts and counter parts if any. I usually write the articulations etc as I write the rough draft. Once I have the rough draft finished I then enter the notes into lily and work from there, adding articulations, slurs, etc. There is a lot of compiling/viewing the pdf as I go through this process. But I can do a complete song in as little as a few hours for one of not too much difficulty. I'm not a keyboardist, so I use a guitar and write all my parts in concert key, whatever the recording key is. After I have all the parts completed in lily and I see, in the score, all the harmonies are correct, I then uncomment the transpose commands, and test the parts by playing my tenor sax on the trumpet and tenor parts. I play my alto sax to test the alto and trombone parts.
Hope this helps,
% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.1"
   title = ""
   composer = "As Recorded By: "
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4 \key c \major
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
%%%%% This setup should give me the maximum usable staffs per page %%%%%
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

%%%%% This script sets the 'footer' of the last page to show the current date and lily info %%%%%
tagline = \markup {
     \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
      \with-url #"";
     { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

% ------ Trumpet 1------
trpta = {
a b c d
trumpeta = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% ------ Trumpet 2------
trptb = {
   a b c d
trumpetb = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% ------ Alto Sax ------
altoa = {a b c d
altosaxa = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% ------ Tenor Sax------
tenor = {a b c d
tenorsax = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% ------ Bari Sax------
bari = {a b c d
barisax = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c''{
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>

% ------ Trombone ------
tbonea = {a b c d
trombonea = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
 \clef bass
 << \tbonea >>

% ------ Bass Trombone ------
tboneb= {a b c d
tromboneb = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass Trombone"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
 \clef bass
 << \tboneb >>
%%%%% This section creates the seperate pdf files for each horn %%%%%
\book { \score {
   \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" <<
        \new Staff = "trpta" \trumpeta
            \new Staff = "trptb" \trumpetb >>
   \new StaffGroup = "saxes" <<
            \new Staff = "altoa" \altosaxa
            \new Staff = "tenor" \tenorsax
            \new Staff = "bari" \barisax >>
   \new StaffGroup = "trombones" <<
            \new Staff = "tbonea" \trombonea
        \new Staff = "tboneb" \tromboneb>>
 >> } }
%%%%% comment all these \book lines if no score is needed %%%%%%
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpeta" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpeta >> \header {piece="Trumpet 1"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpetb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpetb >> \header {piece="Trumpet 2"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "altosaxa" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \altosaxa >> \header {piece="Alto Sax"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "tenorsax" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \tenorsax >> \header {piece="Tenor Sax"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "barisax" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \barisax >> \header {piece="Baritone Sax"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trombonea" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trombonea >> \header {piece="Trombone"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "tromboneb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \tromboneb >> \header {piece="Bass Trombone"} \layout { indent = 0\mm} } }

\layout { \context { \Score } }

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