I'm trying to write a bar for fingerstyle guitar (I'm using the
tablature.ly file, I'd be glad to test it...but I'm at the beginnings
with lilypond, please help).

Could you please tell me what's wrong here?

melody = \relative c {
       \time 4/4
       \key g \major
 <<  { <d g>4 <d g>8 <e a> <f b>4 g4 } \\ { g,2 g }

\score {
      \new Staff { \clef "G_8" \melody }
      \new TabStaff   { \tabNumbersOnly \melody }

I've used the information found here:

But I guess I'm doing a trivial error, probably related with basic
knowledge of Lilypond.
I went through the doc but I couldn't find the right page.
Any help much appreciated..

Thanks in advance,

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