Your example is confusing, since the two measures have different length. The next time you send a question to the mailing list, please provide a complete example that can be ran directly through LilyPond, such as:
\relative c'{
   f2.~  f8 \bendAfter #-4 f |
   r2 r8 c d f~ |

Also, in the Notation Reference, it say's:
"The dash |-| immediately preceding the |\bendAfter| command is /required/ when writing falls and doits." so if you wanted the fall to apply to the last note of the first measure, then you should rather write:
\relative c'{
  f2.~ f8 f-\bendAfter #-4 |
   r2 r8 c d f~ |

Back to your specific question. You can find the answer in
I have just added it also to the LSR (LilyPond Snippet Repository)


Lewis Overton wrote:
I have this fragment:

    f2~f8 \bendAfter #-4 f |
    r2 r8 c d f~ |

which produces a "fall" in jazz idiom.

EXCEPT the fall ends at the bar line, resulting in a short, near-vertical line.

I need either for the fall to cross the bar line into the next measure, or
to somehow add space between the last note and the bar line.

Any ideas?


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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