Julian schrieb:
I think you can make this work with parallel music, instead of chords.

<< c, \deadNotes{ c ]>>



I was looking about this. at first it seems to be a good solution
but then i could see that it give some problems managing voices.
it also displays some warning messages:
"ignoring too many clashing note columns"

if we could tell lilypond that all notes inside << >> are from
\voiceOne or \voiceTwo it could be definitly a perfect solution..
because we could manage beats by string
something like:
% measure 1
<< \voiceOne
    %string 1 beats
    { e'4\1 e'4\1 e'4\1 e'4\1 }
    %string 2 beats
    { b4\2  b4\2  b4\2  b4\2  }
    %string 3 beats
    { g4\3  g4\3  g4\3  g4\3  }
    %string 4 beats
    { d4\4  d4\4  d4\4  d4\4  }
    %string 5 beats
    { a,4\5 a,4\5 a,4\5 a,4\5 }
    %string 6 beats
    { e,4\6 e,4\6 e,4\6 e,4\6 }

It solves the slide, palm mute, and dead problem.
No, I'm afraid it doesn't. I can call

   \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
   %string 1 beats
   {\voiceOne e'4\1 e4\1 e4\1 \glissando f4\1 }
   %string 2 beats
   { \voiceOne b,4\2  b4\2  b4\2 \glissando c4\2 }
   %string 3 beats
   { \voiceOne g4\3  g4\3  g4\3 \glissando as4\3 }
   %string 4 beats
   { \voiceOne d,4\4  d4\4  d4\4 \deadNotes { d4\4 } }
   %string 5 beats
   { \voiceOne a4\5 a4\5 a4\5 \deadNotes { a4\5 } }
   %string 6 beats
   { \voiceOne e4\6 e4\6 e4\6 \palmMute { f4\6 } }

then I don't get any error messages, but the glissando is misplaced, all notes on the last beat
are palm mute style and dead note style in tablature. Weird.


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