On 5/29/09 6:10 AM, "Grammostola Rosea" <rosea.grammost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the last months there where some questions about Jazz/pop chords.
> About the notation of the default chords but also about chords with an E
> in the bass, A/E, sus4 etc.
> Some people even posted ways to do it right.
> If I remember well, Carl has said that he was planning to work on the
> chords improvement. How far is this process?

Not at all started.  It's still floating around in the back of my head.  I'm
flying to England in June, with a long layover in New York City, so I may
try to make it happen then.

> Maybe it's an idea to brainstorm a bit about how we want Jazz chords to
> be displayed? Maybe some interested people can form a group like the
> 'tablature group' does?

I'd welcome people creating documents that describe how chord naming should
work.  I think that there is a two-step process:

1) Get the chord naming right (it's currently broken)

2) Make sure we have sufficient flexibility to accommodate anybody's desired
method of displaying chords (I think this is pretty close right now,
although it may need some tweaking).



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