On 5/31/09 7:34 AM, "Johannes Schöpfer" <j...@schoepfer.info> wrote:

> Hi,
>> As I already said some time ago when I made my own chordnames functions, I
>> still believe chordnames should be seperated from chords, or at least chords
>> shouldn't produce chordnames since it'll never be clear. And the other way
>> round there can also occur problems, i.e. with C7alt., how should Lilypond
>> know which chord to display then.
>> Another thing is the exceptions list.
>> I think instead of defining some standards (\realbook, etc.) it would be
>> easier to just type what you mean, maybe something like c:m7, c:mi7, c:-7
>> That way everyone could just type each chordname as they want it to be
>> displayed instead of selecting an exception for each from a list.
> I have an idea that goes in that direction.
> It would simplify both entry and interpretation:
> Basenotes are the only thing really needed to be recognized as note to make a
> chord(meaning just the basenote) transposeable and to get the duration.
> Anything else may be added without interpretation.
> Syntax proposal for \chordName:
> Basenote[:optional text] [optional anyextension] [ optional "/" for
> slash-chords [Basenote ...]]

You are welcome to pursue this, if you are interested in it.  It is not my

This would require changes to the parser.  I do not have the ability to make
these changes, and I'm not interested in developing this capability.

But if you, or somebody else you can find, is interested in doing this, we
can have the discussion.

Right now there is not chordName input mode.  There is note mode, where we
input chords using the chord construct, and chord mode, where we input
chords with the root plus modifiers.  chord mode is well defined, logical,
and unambiguous, so I don't see a need (or desire, IMO) to change chord

Right now chordName is strictly an *output* characteristic; a context that
displays chord names based on notes it receives.  It relates notes to chord
names.  That's what I'll be working on.  I'm interested in that, because it
works well with midi, and fretboards, etc.

> This would remove any exeptions for chordentry as anything is dispalyed as it
> was entered.
> Displaying the whole chord(<es g bes d>) interpreted as notes would not be
> possible, but i personally never needed that.

My interest is in getting the notes correct, and being able to generate the
names from the notes.  I realize that there are some (like Tao) who just
want names.  I can see that it might be a great contribution to LilyPond to
create a chordname input mode, which could do what you want to have done.
I'd be happy to provide whatever help I could provide to somebody who wants
to do this.



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