Robert wrote:
The beam for between the 2nd and 3rd note is dashed, the 3rd note smaller
and the phrasing slur is dashed too.

This is not good enough but maybe it'll give some ideas. I have the feeling that some scheme is necessary but I don't know how to do it. My first thought on how to do it is to have two voices with the same notes but with different properties. In one voice, the beam will be solid but only connect the first two notes, and in the other voice, the beam will be dashed going from the first to third notes of the triplet. The solid beam will hide the dashed beam between 1st and 2nd notes, but you'll be able to see the dashed beams between 2nd and 3rd notes. The dashed slur and smaller notehead are easy. The main problem is I've never seen a dashed beam in lilypond before. Anyway here's my time-rushed attempt using only one voice and a partial beam. It might look nearly decent if you adjust the beam slant on the 3rd note.


\version "2.12.1"

\relative c'' {
  \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
  \times 2/3{\slurDashed c8([ d] \set fontSize = #-2
  \set stemRightBeamCount = #0 e[])} \unset fontSize f,4

Jonathan Kulp

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