On 3 Jun 2009, at 00:16, Peter Chubb wrote:

Hans> (Isn't there a timing problem at the second triplet?)

There is --- it's to do the gruppetto at the end of the trill, that
seems to interfere with the first note of the triplet in the MIDI
output.  It's not something I can fix with articulate.


Hans> If it is possible to do it, it might be great to be able to do
Hans> the timing on per note and note-group basis - for interpretation
Hans> and also generating feedback on what values to choose.

Not sure what you mean here --- can you elaborate?

One guy on rec.music.theory, in his composition (another program), started to notate strangely even with unusual time signature, in order to get it sound better in the MIDI. So one should be able such things without having to change the typeset output - much of the finer details of music interpretation aren't notated, but are still very important for the sound.

Hans> Also, the typesetting program has a cool feature where notes
Hans> written with equal time can be swinged. - Some guys on the
Hans> Usenet newsgroup rec.music.theory found this feature great for
Hans> experimenting with.

actually, LilyPond can't do this yet.  I wish it could.

I see you have cc the developer list. Basically what is needed is to have to timings - for typesetting and sound output. The latter should follow the former by default, but should be tweaked as necessary.

...I'd also like to do something about trills and turns with
alterations, and do a better calculation for trill duration.

Hans> One problem with those is that in LilyPond code one does not
Hans> write them in the diatonic note system, as the other notes, but
Hans> only graphically.

Indeed.  The same is true for most of the other marks that
`articulate' deals with.  Unfortunately there are no standard ways of
marking that there's a `flat' symbol above the ornament symbol and a
`natural' below; there are several ways depending on context.

In the input, it suffices the notation is transposable: either the note name or the interval. Normally, the ornaments should change scale degrees. So a chromatic trill on C should normally be on Db, and not on C# - this is of importance in other tuning systems than E12 (12 equal temperament).

Also this has to do with the innards of LilyPond. But it may be hard to fix trills without it.


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