Paul Scott wrote:
>> Change s1*6 to { s1*6 }. The \repeat syntax is
>>  \repeat volta repeatcount musicexpr
>> and all music expressions require curly braces.
> This is simply not true.

I now see that I was wrong about that, sorry. This construct does
in fact work:

\relative {
  \repeat volta 2
  \alternative {
    { b }
    { c }


>> If you're going to use \unfoldRepeats in a \score with
>> \layout, it doesn't make sense to apply it to only one music
>> expression if there are other simultaneous expressions. Since
>> \global and \melody are simultaneous expressions, move
>> \unfoldRepeats outside:
> I think it does make sense to keep the timing structure separate
> from the pitch structure.  I know there are other Lily users who
> do the same thing.

Yes, I do too. The approach works marvelously when setting
contemporary ensemble works which have meter changes in every
other measure. It is easy to write one "meters" expression and
funnel that into all the voices. That saves a lot of file-space,
typing, and aggravation.

Regarding my original comment though, my point was that
   << { \unfoldRepeats \global } \melody >>
ought to unfold the spacers only, and not the actual notes. But
it's a moot point, because that's what \unfoldRepeats does anyway,
even if you type
  \unfoldRepeats << \global \melody >>
Though I do agree that it would be useful if it worked the way you
suggest. Let's see if something comes out of the -devel thread.


>> However, it may make even more sense to apply \unfoldRepeats
>> to the whole score, so you don't have to keep applying it to
>> other voices (should there be any)...
> I didn't want the written music to be unfolded.

Then remove \unfoldRepeats from the \score block that has \layout
and only use \unfoldRepeats from the \score block that has \midi.


> I hadn't read this part when I did my testing and wrote what I
> wrote above.  I will check out that thread.  If that is true
> than unfoldRepeats seems pointless to me.
> Your code misses any usefulness of unfoldRepeats which you must
> have discovered in your other thread.

I think that's somewhat exaggerated. \unfoldRepeats is not
pointless, it's just not as advanced as you want it to be. Let's
see if something comes out of the -devel thread.


> Emacs indents my code just fine but sticking to one bar per line 
> would take far too much scrolling in much of the music I work
> on.  My compromise is to never break a line in the middle of a
> bar.

That's fine, but keep in mind that it's easier for others to spot
errors in your code if it's nicely organized. Consequently, you're
more likely to get a response if it is. A proofreader may end up
reformatting your code anyway just so s/he can read it clearly.


> Thanks again

Happy to help.
- Mark


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