2009/6/5 Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>:

> This minimal LaTeX file spits the error when I try to process it
> through lilypond-book:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{tikz}
> \begin{document}
> Hello
> \end{document}

The temporary logfile this generates to determine the textwidth
includes the following line:


This is erroneously picked up by the regular expression which searches
for columns=[a number] here:

1750     m = re.search ('columns=([0-9.]*)', parameter_string)
1751     if m:
1752         columns = int (m.group (1))

The search is greedy, but it can't read `\count106' and convert it to
an integer.

The simplest solution would be to change the regexp to the following:

1750     m = re.search ('columns=([0-9.]+)', parameter_string)

This will ensure the search tries to match at least one digit directly
after the equal sign.

Alternatively re.match could be used as a less greedy search, but I'm
not that familiar with lilypond-book and its interaction with LaTeX to
know whether this is desirable, since it would only match strings
which begin with `columns'.


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