I have made a specialist notation for notating the Hungarian bagpipe and am hoping to figure out a way to emulate this notation in Lilypond. Since I'm relatively new to Lilypond, I may have missed something obvious, but I have searched the documentation to try to figure it out and not found anything obvious. Some of the percussion type staffs come close to my needs, but aren't quite there (and aren't notated appropriately).

I've made an example of the staff I need here:


The lower part (labeled kontra) is a staff for a chanter pipe (one of two in this case) that has only two pitches. While I've made a special cleff (the AE bit), I could live without it (I would prefer it though since it makes the notation simpler to follow).

The upper part is a standard staff with treble clef and needs no special attention. So my goal is to place this two-line staff (with extra spacing between the two lines) below the main staff and assign a voice to it. Since there are only two possible pitches, I need to assign the pitches of A and E (both the ones above middle C) to those lines. Their behavior would be like a regular staff aside from the strange spacing and clef.

Again, I've tried to figure out how to assign custom staff types and clefs, etc., but I think my request is unusual enough that I've just not found anything directly relevant.

(And yes, I could use a two-staff system or two voices in one staff, but this notation has the advantage of being clearer for the purposes of illustrating what I need to.)

Any help, pointers in the right direction, etc. would be much appreciated (even of the "you missed the obvious in section x.x.xx of the documentation" sort of thing).

Best regards,

Arle Lommel

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