On 6/10/09 2:03 AM, "Tao Cumplido" <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net> wrote:

>> But as I said before, if anybody wants to create a chordname input mode
>> that
>> takes a root, and arbitrary name string, and an optional added bass,
>> they're
>> welcome to do so.
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2009-02/msg00293.html
> The input-mode is a little constructed but it works.

Right, but this input mode gives chords as lyrics, not as ChordNames.  It's
certainly a way to accomplish what you want, and I don't want to minimize
the benefit of your work.

I think it's great that you did this.  Have you put this on LSR?

Perhaps we should consider adding this to the distribution.



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