On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 09:26:16AM +0100, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan Wilkes" <jancs...@yahoo.com>
> To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:36 PM
> Subject: Reading the LM
>> 2.  In 2.2.6, partial measures and gracenotes are covered.  In the  
>> previous
>> chapter, autobeaming is covered.  Put them all together and, wham!
>> A partial measure starting with a gracenote turns off autobeaming,  
>> even
>> if it's explicitly turned on:
>> \relative c' {
>> \key c \minor
>> \partial 8
>> \grace ais8
>> b8
>> \autoBeamOn
>> c d ees f g aes bes c
>> }
>> I saw one archived message about this, but no replies, and I couldn't
>> find it listed as a bug on the google code page.  Should this be added
>> to the list of bugs, or am I overlooking something?

This is probably another instance of #34.  Since it crops up in so
many places, we stopped accepting bug reports about grace notes
over two years ago.  :(

That said, I'll dump a note in there about this monophonic

> I'm not sure what should be done in the Learning
> Manual.  Maybe grace notes should not be mentioned
> at all there.  Comments from others appreciated.

No; keep grace notes in the LM.  If/when the bug ever gets fixed,
we don't want to go hunting through the LM for old warnings.  All
bug-related info should be kept in the NR under @knownissues.

- Graham

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