Robin thanks for the quick reply...

And now that I've seen that I've noticed something even cooler :

\aikenHeads c8 d4 e8 a2 g1
\sacredHarpHeads c8 d4. e8 a2 g1

This is really more what I'm looking for. But where are these guys
defined so I can see what they look like? Background, I would like to
try to work out some basic support for Hamparsum notation (old system
for notating Armenian church music and Turkish music pre-western note
style...each pitch has its own symbol, ultimately no staff necessary).


On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Robin Bannister<> wrote:
> Adam Good wrote:
>> I vaguely remember an example
> That would be the 'easy play' noteheads mentioned in NR 1.1.4.
> But you probably want something more like this:
> cabbage = { c a b b a g e }
> \score {
>  <<
>  \new NoteNames \cabbage
>  \new Staff { \clef bass \cabbage }
>  >>
> }
> Cheers, Robin

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