Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen <at>> writes:

> On 7/19/09 12:07 PM, "Werner" <mey.wer <at>> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I want to create a score (pdf) containing chord-names above the notes and a
> > midi-file, which containes all the notes but NOT the chords (harmonies).
> > 
> > Is this somehow EASY to achieve?
> Yes.  You just need to have two different scores, one for MIDI and one for
> layout.
> The layout one has 
> \score{
>   <<
>     \chordNames { \myChords }
>     \myNotes
>   >>
>   \layout {}
> }
> The midi one has
> \score{ 
>   \myNotes
>    \midi{} 
> }

Thanks. This helps, of course.

But it's a pity, that something like

\midi {
\context {
% midi-out all voices but not harmonies from ChordNames
% \???

doesn't exist. It would be easier.


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