On Jul 24, 2009, at 1:51 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

David Stocker wrote:

Are you using Linux or Windows XP?

After you install LilyPond, you'll have all the files you need for lilypond-mode to work right there in your installation directory. You'll just need to tell Emacs where to locate them.

In your .emacs.d directory you'll need a file called "init.el" It may already be present. If it's not, create it.

Did you mean .emacs? .emacs.d (in my home directory) is owned by root.

.emacs.d is a directory, .emacs is a file. For some reason your permissions are not correct: .emacs.d should be owned by you, not root. init.el should be inside .emacs.d for lilypond-mode to function correctly (it is possible, depending on your permissions, that lilypond-mode will not work even if init.el is there, if the permissions are incorrect).

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