Dear Trevor,
thank You so much for Your excellent and easy understandable explanations!
Now I know, where I have to turn the screws!
Kind regards,

2009/8/3 Trevor Daniels <>

> Stefan
> It is tricky if you don't understand Bezier curves,
> but quite easy if messy once they are understood.
> Have you read "Modifying ties and slurs" in
> section 5.5.4 "Modifying shapes" in the
> Notation Reference?  That gives some clues.  It
> also helps to Google for Bezier curves.  In the
> end though you have to proceed through trial and
> error.  I give a reasonable solution to your problem
> below, but first here's how I obtained it.
> I first copied out the override from the Notation
> Reference mentioned above and tried it unchanged.
> The slur was far too low and short.  The Y position
> of the end-points is given by the second value of
> control points 1 and 4 (CP1 and CP4), so I increased
> these until the end points were at roughly the right
> height.
> Next I doubled the X value of CP4 to get the length
> about right.
> Then I increased the Y value of CP2 and CP3 to
> bring the middle of the curve up.  Now we're getting
> close.
> The X values of CP2 and CP3 now need to be moved,
> keeping them close to the end points, with CP3
> being closer to CP4 to give it the unsymmetric
> shape that is needed to match the shape of the
> notes.
> All it needs now is some final tweaking to get the
> shape right.  Here's what I ended up with:
> \version "2.13.0"
> re = { \change Staff = rechts }
> li = { \change Staff = links }
> reru = { \re \stemDown }
> lira = { \li \stemUp }
> music = {
>  \once \override TupletBracket #'padding = #-7.5
>  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4 )
>  \times 2/3 { \li
>   \once \override Slur
>     #'control-points = #'((1 . 3) (7 . 20) (30 . 20) (31 . 3))
>  g 8 (\re e' \li bes \re  d'' g' f'' cis''  ais'' fis'' ~
> \once \override TupletBracket #'padding = #-2 fis'' \li f'! b ) |  } }
> \new PianoStaff {
>  << \new Staff ="rechts" \music
>   \new Staff = "links" s1 >>
>  }
> Trevor
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Thomas" <
> To: "lilypond-user" <>
> Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 11:24 AM
> Subject: don't understand slur control-points
>  Dear community,
>> I have a problem with a slur, which doesn't look nice, as You can see in
>> the
>> below quoted snippet.
>> Off course I know, that I can change the ceontrol-points. I tried to
>> understand their meaning, but without success.
>> Could someone, please, give me a hint?
>> Thanks, Stefan
>> \version "2.13.0"
>> re = { \change Staff = rechts }
>> li = { \change Staff = links }
>> reru = { \re \stemDown }
>> lira = { \li \stemUp }
>> music = {
>>  \once \override TupletBracket #'padding = #-7.5
>>  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4 )
>>  \times 2/3 { \li g 8 (\re e' \li bes \re  d'' g' f'' cis''  ais'' fis'' ~
>> \once \override TupletBracket #'padding = #-2 fis'' \li f'! b )  } }
>> \new PianoStaff {
>>  << \new Staff ="rechts" \music
>>   \new Staff = "links" s1 >>
>>  }
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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