Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Just a small point: has anyone confirmed that -3 is a "standard" magstep?

Just my thought. I used some values between -2 and -3, depending on what fits for this very score and page size.

In "The Essential Dictionary of Music Notation" (Gerou and Lusk) - well, admittedly not quite the definitive reference, but at least something - they say that a solo instrument "staff above the grand staff is sometimes cue size", which they take to lie between 65 % and 75 % of the default size. In LilyPond, cue size defaults to magstep -4, so a scaling to about 63 %, right?

But I think it makes sense to introduce another variable and/or command like set-global-staff-size, say set-global-small-staff-magstep, with default -3 or -4, and use this value throughout?

Oh, and by the way... No experience for this on my side, but are there scores with small rhythmic or drum staffs? Then we should probably also have a SmallRhythmicStaff, SmallDrumStaff, SmallVaticanaStaff and so on, right?


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