Nicolas Sceaux schrieb:
Le 9 août 09 à 13:21, Marc Hohl a écrit :

#(define-public (slur::boolean grob)
;; just a test function to try and switch boolean values
  (display "\nWithin callback\n")
  (display "myBool: ")(display myBool)(newline)
  (if myBool
      (set! myBool #f)
      (set! myBool #t))

this can be written: (set! myBool (not myBool))
BTW, camel case is not usual in Scheme, better use hyphens.

Hey, it was just a simple example - the code in real life is about 230 lines -
and I will /definitely/ not use a name like myBool...

  (display "myBool: ")(display myBool)(newline)
  (ly:slur::print grob))

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