Below is a simple E major scale. I don't want lilypond to stretch the stems of
the lower notes up to the B staff line. I want all the note-stems to be the
same length for both stemUp and stemDown notes. Is there an option to turn off
the stem stretching?

\version "2.13.3"
\include ""
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

\paper {
        line-width = 6.25\in
} % paper
\layout {
        indent = 0.0
        \context {
                \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
        } % context
} % layout
notes = \relative c' {
        \key e \major
                e,4 fs gs a b cs ds e fs gs a b cs ds e ds cs b a gs fs e ds cs 
b a gs fs e
} % relative
\score {
} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: "lilypond" %
% End: %

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