Mark Polesky wrote:
> MonAmiPierrot wrote:
>> And how to remove clef and meter?
> \layout{
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \remove Clef_engraver
>     \remove Time_signature_engraver
>   }
> }
>> And how to remove just the staff pentagram, but keeping barlines?
> \layout{
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \override StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##t
>   }
> }
> - Mark
Thank you Mark.
I used both tricks in one and added this instructions for cropping the
resulting eps/pdf:


then I entered the "\clef bass" and used only the note "a," to produce a
perfectly middle-positioned rhythmical examples, then I tried to put the
output in the LaTeX environment of my dissertation.

Anyway there's still too much white space up and down (respectively, the
equivalent of 1-2 and 3-4 inter-stafflines space) so that the example
doesn't fit.
I don't want to manipulate the outuput of all my examples: I want it to be
done already by lilypond: is there a manner to cut also the unused white
space (i.e. all the space above and under the standard staff?)  (better not
by the command-line)

Piero Faustini

Main Software used:
- LyX 1.6.2 on WinXP sp3; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond 2.12 for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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