On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 06:37:19PM -0700, David Fedoruk wrote:
> The documentation for Lilypond has one problem; it is, as the program is
> itself, under development.  It is screamingly frustrating for us 
> non-programmer
> users. 

Yes, but nothing forces people to upgrade.  The documentation for
2.12.1 never changes.

> Call this a rant if you want, but I do not mean it as such. I'm just stating
> that the Lilypond documentation is not perfect, it is changing almost as we
> speak and patience with it is required.

Either patience, or work.  The more people who work on the docs,
the more stable they get.

During the Grand Documentation Project, NR 1+2 were *almost*
complete.  NR 2.1 Vocal music -- for some people, the most
important section -- was almost untouched, though.  In the near
future, that will be completely rewritten.

If a few more people had been involved in GDP, this wouldn't be an
issue.  NR 1+2 could have been completed a year ago, and you could
rely on them not changing.  As it is, some of those sections (or
maybe just 2.1 Vocal) /will/ change within the next year.


Just like a democracy receives the government it deserves (where
that be Bush in the US, Obama in the US, Harper in Canada, or
Blair in the UK... somebody bound to hate at least one of those
governments ;), the users of lilypond recieve the documentation
they deserve.

- Graham

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