David Fedoruk wrote:

> So just hanging tough and letting the problem sit while I go on with
> some other portion of my project usually results in either finding the
> answer to my problem along the way as I proceed, or finding a way to
> ask the question.
> There are the times when just going back and making sure that every
> single render error I get is solved no matter how small, ends up
> making the original problem go away. At a time like this, I've very
> glad I didn't rush to the list and try to ask that question.

That's a good approach.

> Also, remember that my time zone is GMT -8, so I am one of the last
> people on this list to see anything posted. That affects how I see
> things or how I am seen to respond to things.

At least 3 of the active source-code contributors are GMT -8...

> If I had to say one thing that is wrong with documentation is that the
> people doing the documentation assume to much about the state of the
> reader's knowledge. What may seem obvious to you, may not be to the
> person reading your documentation.

It's a work in progress. Specific suggestions are the most likely to
get addressed.

> To sum up, thanks to everyone who has contributed even in a small way
> to Lilypond. Lilypond is as impoirtant to me as Open Office  and
> Firefox combined. This is  not hyperboly, I'd be lost without it.

Don't hesitate to contribute yourself!
- Mark


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