James E. Bailey wrote:
> > 3) decide if you want
> >    (#:column (one num))
> >    ...or just...
> >    one
> >    etc.
> This bit I don't understand. (#:column (one num)) would be the
> equivalent of \markup \center-column { one num }, right?
> How would I do
> \markup \center-column {\line {one + two + three} num }? 

I think it's better to line it up this way instead:
\markup { \line { one + \center-column { two num } + three} }

> > 4) decide if you want to keep the #:vcenter command.
> Probably not. I'm guessing.

Well, the usual placement of "+" is on the middle line when all
the denominators are present, but if only one denominator is
there, the plus signs usually get centered between the numerators.

> > 5) somehow incorporate your new argument (three) in with the rest
> >    of the arguments.
> This bit confuses me. Isn't it incorporated by adding "three"
> everywhere?

I meant specifically in this part of the code:

(#:line ((#:column (one num))
         #:vcenter "+"
         (#:column (two num))))

I was just spelling it out. You probably just figured it out
before reading that far.

Let me know once you get it.
- Mark


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