midi2ly is not supported any more, so you're almost certainly on
your own here.

- Graham

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 12:43:36AM +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm having problems with midi2ly.
> It can't produce even the simplest tune in 3/4 time correctly. It 
> outputs a lilypond file that does show that the 3/4 time was extracted 
> from the midifile. But the "\time 3/4" is put in the wrong place, 
> resulting in a ps/pdf output in 4/4 time.
> Example:
> %input file test.ly
> \version "2.13.3"
> \score {
>   \relative c' {
>     \time 3/4
>     c4 d e | d2 e4 | c2. |
>   }
>   \midi {}
> } 
> I save this as "test.ly"
> Then on my commandline I do:
>       lilypond test.ly
>       midi2ly -o test2.ly test.midi
>       convert-ly -e test2.ly
> The test2.ly looks much more complicated than a simple lilypond-user
> like me could ever have written by hand. Apart from that it is no good.
> I'll attach test2.ly
> As you may have understood I'm running lilypond 2.13.3 on Linux.
> -- 
> Martin Tarenskeen

> % Lily was here -- automatically converted by /usr/bin/midi2ly from test.midi
> \version "2.13.1"
> trackAchannelA =  {
>   % [SEQUENCE_TRACK_NAME] control track
>   % [TEXT_EVENT] creator: 
>   % [TEXT_EVENT] GNU LilyPond 2.13.3           
>   \time 3/4 
>   \tempo 4 = 60 
> }
> trackA = <<
>   \context Voice = channelA \trackAchannelA
> >>
> trackBchannelA =  {
> }
> trackBchannelB = \relative c {
>   c'4 d e d2 e4 c2. 
> }
> trackB = <<
>   \context Voice = channelA \trackBchannelA
>   \context Voice = channelB \trackBchannelB
> >>
> \score {
>   <<
>     \context Staff=trackB \trackB
>   >>
> }

> \version "2.13.3"
> \score {
>   \relative c' {
>     \time 3/4
>     c4 d e | d2 e4 | c2. |
>   }
>   \midi {}
> }

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