On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:31 AM, Robin Bannister wrote:

Tim McNamara wrote:
 The first coda glyph should be at the end of bar 28

See LSR 432.    Before the \break, add
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break- visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible

Good grief.  But thank you, that did the job.

But it seems like a cumbersome workaround for a behavior that shouldn't happen in the first place. IMHO this is precisely the sort of stuff that will prevent LilyPond from being an application for anything beyond a narrow specialist market of people willing to plow through hundreds of pages of documentation to write even simple lead sheets.

LilyPond won't put the coda glyph at the beginning of bar 31. At least not using the code provided in the documentation.

You have put the \mark command after the first note of the triplet.

Thanks, I got that figured out but sent my reply to my original post back to myself (because for some reason the listserv does not set the reply-to header to the list, odd given that we profess to want the discussions to be on the list so that they are archived). I've re- sent the post.

Move it to beside the preceding \bar command; before or after doesn't matter - just have no music in-between. It may be that NR 1.2.5 Rehearsal marks led you astray. All the \mark commands follow the c1 (the first note). But the default time is 4/4, so this puts them at the end of the measure, i.e. right beside where the _next_ barline comes.

This should perhaps be clearer in the documentation. However, the performance I am seeing in LilyPond suggests that the glyph is not placed at the end of the bar (when the \mark follows a note within the bar) but at the beginning of the next bar, which becomes apparent when there is a line break between the bars but is hidden when the bars are on the same line.


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