Peter Chubb a écrit :
The file looks to be for quite an old version of LilyPond.

To fix, look in the `extra information' fields in the Mutopia website
for the piece, and find out which lilypond version it is for.  Then
add a line

\version "x.y.z"
(where x.y.z is the version it is for) and run convert-ly on the
result.  Then try again with LilyPond.

According to Mutopia's website version is 1.3.130.

I ran convert-ly, corrected a few mistakes remaining and then I could compile it with lilypond.
See attached file for compilable result.

Sávio M. Ramos a écrit :
> Can't compile the file below, mysteriouos commands:
> 1) \include ""
becomes "#(set-global-staff-size 16)"

> 2) Treble = \notes \context Voice = $Treble {
Treble = \context Voice = "Treble"  %% or \new Voice = "Treble"

> 3) Middle = \notes \context Voice = $Middle {
> 4) Bass = \notes \context Voice = $Bass {

> 5) GuitarStaff = \context Staff = GuitarStaff <
>    \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
>    \property Staff.transposing = -12
GuitarStaff = \context Staff = "GuitarStaff" <<
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \transposition c

> Any help?

Hope this helps.

\version "2.13.3"


        title = "Suite in C Minor for Lute (trans. to A minor)"
        subtitle = "3. Sarabande"
        opus = "BWV 997"
        composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
        instrument= "Guitar"

        mutopiatitle = "Lute Suite BWV 997: 3. Sarabande"
        mutopiacomposer = "J. S. Bach"
        mutopiainstrument = "Lute, Guitar"
        date = "ca.1740-41"
        style = "Baroque"
        copyright = "Public Domain"
        filename = ""
        lastupdated = "2001/Feb/25"
        tagline = "\\parbox{\paper-width}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, \\texttt{}\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by David Megginson.\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it!}"
        footer = "Mutopia-2001/02/25-52"


#(set-global-staff-size 16)
Treble =  \context Voice = "Treble" {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \time 3/4
        \key a \minor
        \clef treble
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        \stemUp a''8. b''32(  c''') b''8 a'' gis'' a'' |
        d''2. |
        d''16 f'' e'' d'' b''8. a''16 gis'' f'' e'' d'' |
        c'' b' c'' b' a' e' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' |
        g'' e'' cis''8(  cis'') r r4 |
        f'16 cis'' d'' gis'' a'' f' e' d' e' d'' cis'' gis'' |
        a'' e' dis' cis' dis' fis' a' cis'' b' gis' a' fis'' |
        <dis' a' c''>4 <gis' b'> r |
        c''16( d''  e'') e'' e''( f''  g'') g'' g''( a''  bes'') bes'' |
        bes''(  g'') g''(  e'') e''(  c'') c''(  bes') bes'( a'  bes') g'' |
        a'( bes'  c'') c'' c''( d''  e'') e'' e''( f''  g'') g'' |
        g''(  e'') e''(  cis'') cis''(  a') a'(  g') g'( f'  g') e'' |
        f' e' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' b' a' c'' |
        b' a' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' e'' d'' f'' |
        e'' g'' f'' a'' g'' c'' b' c'' f'' e'' d'' c'' |
} \alternative {{
        <e' g' c''>2. |
        <e' g' c''> |
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        e''8. f''32 g'' f''8 e'' d'' c'' |
        fis''2. |
        g''8. a''32 b'' a''16 g'' fis'' e'' d'' b' c'' a'' |
        c'' b' c'' d'' b'4 <g'' b''> |
        <g'' b''>8 <fis'' a''> <fis'' a''> <e'' g''> <e'' g''> <dis'' fis''> |
        fis'' g''16 a'' c''4(  b') |
        b'16 cis'' dis'' e'' fis'' a'' g'' fis'' g'' e'' fis'' dis'' |
        e''4 g''2 |
        g''16( f''  e'') e'' e''( d''  cis'') cis'' cis''( b'  a') a' |
        a'(  cis'') cis''(  e'') e''(  g'') g''(  bes'') a''(  g'') f''(  e'') |
        f''( e''  d'') d'' d'' c'' b' b' b'( a'  g') g' |
        g'(  b') b'(  d'') d''(  f'') f''(  a'') g''(  f'') e''(  d'') |
        e'' f''( e'' d'' c'' b' a' gis'  a') c'' e'' gis' |
        f' d'' e' c'' d' b' c' a' b gis' d'' f'' |
        e'' gis'' a'' f'' dis'' e'' gis' a' d'' c'' b' a' |
} \alternative {{
        <c' e' a'>2. |
        <c' e' a'> \bar "|."
Middle =  \context Voice = "Middle" {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \time 3/4
        \key a \minor
        \clef treble
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        \stemNeutral <c'' e''>4 d''8 c'' b' c'' |
        <f' b'>2. |
        <f' b'>4 <gis' d''> r |
        s s s |
        r8 g'(  g'16) bes' a' g' a' g' f' e' |
        s4 s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
} \alternative {{
        s s s |
        s s s |
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        <g' c''> a'8 g' f' e' |
        <d' a'>2. |
        <g' d''>4 e'' r8 a' |
        <d' a'>4 g' r |
        s s s |
        d''8 e'' a'2 |
        r4 r r |
        <g' b'> r8 bes' bes' a' |
        <e' a'>4 r r |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
        s s s |
} \alternative {{
        s s s |
        s s s |
Bass =  \context Voice = "Bass" {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \time 3/4
        \key a \minor
        \clef treble
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        \stemDown c'4 a a |
        a8. b32(  c') b8 a gis a |
        g4 a a |
        a r r |
        a a a |
        a a a |
        a a a |
        e e'8 d' c' b |
        a r g r f r |
        e4 r8 g' c' e' |
        f' r e' r d' r |
        cis'4 r8 e' a cis' |
        d'4 r8 d' e' f' |
        g'4 r8 g a b |
        c' b e f g g |
} \alternative {{
        c' c' c'(  b) b(  a) |
        c'2. |
\repeat "volta" 2 {
        c'4 c' c' |
        c'8. d'32 e' d'8 c' b a |
        b4 c' d' |
        g4. b8 e' g' |
        c'4 r r8 a' |
        a' g' fis' e' dis' e'16 fis' |
        g4 a b |
        e8 e' e' d' d' cis' |
        cis'4 r8 a a cis' |
        g' e' cis' e' cis' a |
        d'4 r8 d' d' b |
        f' d' b d' b g |
        c'4 r8 e' c' a |
        d' e' d' c' b b |
        c' b c' f e e |
} \alternative {{
        a a a(  b) b(  c') |
        a2. \bar "|."

GuitarStaff = \context Staff = "GuitarStaff" <<
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \transposition c                            


\score {
        \layout {
                line-width = 18.0 \cm
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 45 4)

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