Out of curiosity, which software packages did you try?
Did you try MuseScore http://www.musescore.org?


Laura Conrad wrote:
>>>>>> "Villum" == Villum Sejersen <v...@privat.tdcadsl.dk> writes:
>     Villum> Both of you ought to take a look at Jöerg Anders' NtED,
>     Villum> which to my experience has good import/export
>     Villum> facilities. Both the application and the source code (C++)
>     Villum> look very impressive to me.
> A quick test on the same MIDI file as earlier shows that it spells Bb
> wrong, and doesn't correct it if I edit the key signature.  I know
> that's not the only thing wrong with MIDI import routines, but it
> seems like a pretty simple thing to get right, and so far most of the
> ones I've tried this week get it wrong.  Including midi2ly, which
> allegedly does have an option for telling it how to spell Bb, but as
> far as I know that feature has never worked.
> -- 
> Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org)
> (617) 661-8097        233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
> http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org
> When I die and there's a memorial service, I want you to go to the
> piano and play _The Man I Love_ in my key. If I don't come out on that
> stage, then you'll know I'm gone.
> Kitty Carlisle Hart, (Quoted at her memorial service, where they did
> in fact play _The Man I Love._)
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