It turns out I was wrong, duration-log can be accessed for the stems.
The code now is really simple:

turnStemOff =
#(lambda (grob)
  (let* ((dur (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log)))
      (if (> dur 1)
        (ly:stem::print grob))))

And thanks to Mats' snippet, I can (almost) automatically produce void
3/2 and 'normal' 3/2 from the same input.

Thanks all!

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Rodolfo Zitellini <> wrote:
> Yes, but I would not have correct crotchets - in this type of void
> notation crotchets are written out as quavers, with connected stems
> and all, but with a white notehead.
> I think I can:
> 1) write out everything in 3/2 and then alter manually every note <=
> than a quarter to transform it in an eight
> 2) Halve all the values of the original, writing it in 3/4, then
> blanking out all the noteheads (with duration-log). In this case all
> the quarters are displayed corretly - they effectively become eights
> with white noteheads - but (obviously) all the whole notes in the
> original now are written as minims. I then manually turn off their
> stem to make them wholes again. This is because I am faking 3/2 using
> 3/4 (for the abovementioned eigths).
> I can do this all manually, but it is quite tedious and long, and in
> clutters my code (since I have to torn off stems almost every 2 notes)
> - a way of turning off stems for all minims would be much more simple.
> Thanks,
> Rodolfo
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Mats Bengtsson
> <> wrote:
>> Isn't it simplest to first use the trick described in
>> to modify the duration of each note
>> to the double, and then alter the note heads. This should give you correct
>> stems.
>>   /Mats
>> Rodolfo Zitellini wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I am trying to typeset a piece in 3/2 void notation. I entered all the
>>> music in 3/4 and altered the noteheads with #'duration-log = 1 to make
>>> all notes white. This fakes 3/2 ok, but all notes bigger than a minim
>>> (in 3/2) now have stem, which requires me to turn on and off all the
>>> stems manually for every note that should not have one (i.e. all the
>>> semibreves in 3/2).
>>> I understand that in scheme it is possible to access the value of
>>> duration-log to conditionally change the notehead stencil, it it
>>> possible to do the same for the stem? I would just need to hide the
>>> stem for all notes with value >= 2 (as entered in lilypond).
>>> Regards
>>> Rodolfo
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>>        Mats Bengtsson
>>        Signal Processing
>>        School of Electrical Engineering
>>        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
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>>        Sweden
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