Ralph Palmer schrieb:
Paul and Marc -

My apologies for the late reply -- I was on vacation last week, with no internet access. For the circumflex indicating a half step, take a look at the Learning Manual and possibly the index, and look for \markup.
I didn't find anything your problem - but if it is in the Learning Manual, there will also be the code to achieve
it, am I wrong?

For the bowing markers, I've seen H or Fr, T or P, M, LH, UH and WH, for heel or frog, tip or point, middle, lower half, upper half, and whole bow, respectively. I'm also attaching .png files showing graphic symbols from a book I have. The symbols should be self-explanatory. If not, feel free to email me for clarification.
I think it is possible to draw such symbols with postscript and embed these in lilypond \markup commands. But I am not at all familiar with string music - is this graphical representation kind of standard?



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