Hi there,


I have the following drum excersises written out for my daughter. It prints
beautifully (except that I am not able to set the vertical spacing to my
linking, but that's not that big of a problem). I just wonder why the
midi-file (which is generated) only is 149 bytes long and contains no sound.
Dows anybody know what's going wrong? There are no errors or warnings in the


\version "2.12.2"


\header {

  title = "Drum practice Robin"

  subtitle = "week 41 - 2009"



patternA = \drummode { 

                                               <<          { cymr8 cymr8
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8} 


                                                               { bd8 bd8 bd8
bd8 bd8 bd8 bd8 bd8 } 

                                               >> } 


patternB = \drummode { 

                                               <<          { cymr8 cymr8
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8} 


                                                               { bd4 bd bd
bd } 

                                               >> } 


patternC = \drummode { 

                                               <<          { cymr8 cymr8 <sn
cymr>8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 <sn cymr>8 cymr8} 


                                                               { bd4 hhp bd
hhp } 

                                               >> }


patternD = \drummode { 

                                               <<          { cymr8 cymr8
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8} 


                                                               { bd8 bd8 bd8
bd8 bd4 bd4  } 

                                               >> }


patternE = \drummode { 

                                               <<          { cymr8 cymr8
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8} 


                                                               { bd8 bd8 bd4
bd8 bd8 bd4  } 

                                               >> }        


patternF = \drummode { 

                                               <<          {cymr8 cymr8
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8} 


                                                               {bd4 bd8 bd8
bd4 bd8 bd8} 

                                               >> }        


%%%%%%%%% It All Goes Together Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



    \new DrumStaff <<

                               \new DrumVoice = "1" { s1*2 }

                               \new DrumVoice = "2" { s1*2 }


                               \patternB \patternB \patternB \patternB

                               \patternA \patternA \patternA \patternA

                               \patternC \patternC \patternC \patternC

                               \patternD \patternD \patternD \patternD

                               \patternE \patternE \patternE \patternE

                               \patternF \patternF \patternF \patternF

                               \patternF \patternE \patternD \patternC

                               \patternD \patternF \patternC \patternE




                \layout {

                               indent = #0 %this makes the first bar
beginning at the same position as everything else

                               %fit as much on a page as possible

                                %between-system-padding = 9.5\cm

                               %between-system-space = 4\cm

                               system-count = #8



                               proportionalNotationDuration =
#(ly:make-moment 1 8)

                               \context {


Beam #'thickness = #0.4

VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5)

BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.2

Stem #'thickness = #0.2

"Time_signature_engraver"  %this removes the time signature from the first




                \midi { }


} %end score



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