thanks James. I tried it, for some reason it works in one place not another ...

melody = \relative c' {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  { \melodyintro
    \repeat volta 2 {\melodychorus
                     \mark \markup "Fine" % this Fine indeed works "Fine"
                     \bar "||"}
    \alternative {{\melodyvone}
 \mark \markup "D.S. Al Fine" % this doesn't show ??? maybe pushed off
edge of page ???
 \bar "|."

Must be  a silly reason, I searched for a manual entry on \mark
\markup ... but could not find?

thanks again


On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 4:24 PM, James E. Bailey
<> wrote:
> I don't know exactly how your music is set up, but \mark may be what you
> want.
> On 11.10.2009, at 16:08, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> Hi all,
> Must say I like this software, just discovered it a few days back.
> Been working on a chart the last few days and learning as I go. Very
> impressive output, and I like the structured way of inputting notes
> ... one thing I like is that lp allows me to structure musical
> sections. I have include files that define the parts that given
> instruments have for various parts of the song, and then top level
> files that define scores for individual instruments or all. So, from
> the same set of incudes, I can generate a piano reduction with or
> without vocal line, or a "lead sheet" (melody line with chords, with
> or without lyrics ... )
> This approach though leads me to want to put markings like "DS al
> Fine" between sections, like this:
> pianoright = { \pianoRightIntro \pianoRightChorus \pianoRightVerse ... }
> and now my "Fine" mark might want to sit between two sections like this:
> \pianoRightChorus ^"Fine" \pianoRightVerse
> Problem is that as the text needs to be linked to a note, not inserted
> between sections like this, that doesn't work.
> Any suggestions?
> thank you!
> Daniel
> --
> sax, clarinet, guitar, vocals, composer
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> James E. Bailey

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