oldwhtman wrote:
Using Lilypond 2.12.2, I'm trying to create midi output from guitar tablature
notation and I get an 'empty' midi file.  The manual fails to specify that
the \midi { } block needs to be at the end of the \score { } block.  But I
figured that out.  Anyway, what is the 'trick' to getting a midi file with
midi data in it?  An old post seemed to suggest that you had to create a
duplicate score block without a \layout block in it.  But I don't have a
\layout block within my \score block.  The \layout is specified before the
\score block.  Please help.



Before browsing the archives, I suggest you to use the index (last item on left column) of Notation Reference, it's very useful if you want to find specific information.

Federico Bruni  |  http://www.gnurag.net/blog/

LibrePlanet Italia

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