On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:56:03AM +0100, David Biddiscombe wrote:
> O    In the Bible-reference title I want a long dash, without spaces,
> between '3' and '14'. I think this should be produced by \char #2014,
> but that gives a different symbol. (Similarly, in the previous LilyPond
> version, \char #169 didn't produce the copyright symbol but as it does
> give that symbol in 2.12.2 it was evidently a bug in 2.4.6, so is the
> failure of \char #2014 likewise a bug?)

Try \char #8212 instead. 2014 is the number in hexadecimal, and I don't
that that's what \char uses. Or, as Kieren said, just put an em-dash
straight into your file.

> O    Sorry, but my music-reading friends and I think the default-option
> bar lines are ugly--we've never seen any so fat!
Out of interest, are you looking at these on a screen or a print-out? I
find when I'm looking at my part on the screen, PDF readers tend to
thicken the bar lines so they're at least one pixel wide, but then they
come out fine when I print the file.

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