>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com> writes:

    Jonathan>      Does anyone have some experience using
    Jonathan> lilypond-book together with wordpress?  I'd like to make
    Jonathan> a blog entry in html, then run lilypond-book on it and
    Jonathan> upload it to the webserver as a blog entry.  But I'm
    Jonathan> having to change all the image links to fit the
    Jonathan> wordpress directory structure.  

Why is that? My wordpress blog has lots of links to images outside of
the wordpress directory structure.

    Jonathan> Does anyone have some tips on the best way to do blog
    Jonathan> entries with lilypond snippets?  

I haven't been doing a lot of it, and when I do it's generally to
things I've already published outside of the wordpress blog.  But
getting the lilypond into a .png isn't a problem.  I have a tool I
wrote to put an image into the wordpress media library, so I just say
"addmedia.py <filename>" and it tells me the link to use to reference

I also do all my blog writing in html (using emacs psgml mode), and
use the "raw html" plugin to have wordpress render them.

I posted addmedia.py to my blog at

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the
opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

Niels Bohr

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