I am also trying to run jedit since readinf the recent post.  But I get
stuck right off the bat when java startup doesn't like the Xms command
line parameter -- no value seems to do it.

opensuse linux 11.1(64 bit), jrt 1.6. KDE4

Stephen Corey wrote:
> J. wrote:
>>                         B.H.
>> I iherited a linux computer full of lilypond files and I was told
>> that I have to set up3 editors here [jedit emacs vim].
>> I heard that the lilypond tool for jed. is fantastible every one on
>> the site says so. But no place on the plugin manager has it.
>> Maybe I got senile and I don't see it or some thing?I'm atotal newbi
>> and need hand holding, :(
>> Also can't set up emacs or vim either.
>> First jedit.
>>                     Help.
>>                                 Jonnie
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> lilypond-user mailing list
>> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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> Hi Jonnie,
> In order for people to be able to help you more, please provide the
> flavor or distro of Linux you are using.  It would also help to know
> the version of Lilypond installed on the computer.  You can find this
> out by opening a terminal and typing "lilypond --version" without the
> quotes.
> The lilypondtool for jEdit does work nicely but needs to be configured
> properly in order to run.  How it is configured will depend partly on
> how Lilypond was installed on your system.
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> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-user@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

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