J. <jonathangoodman <at> bezeqint.net> writes:

> Hi Again evrey body, I'm happy to say that with 
> because of the help you gave me I was not only able to get jedit up 
> and running  for lilypond  but was encouraged to succede in setting up 
> emacs too!
> Vim though is somthing else.
> I looked at the directions on the lilypond site for 
> setting it up but, because of my noviciate I got confused with all the 
> places and symbols.
> i.e. can you add all the lilpond  things 
> into the place where vim is (/user/bin/share/vim) or have to make a 
> ~/.vim and how does one modify the files when the're found. [Whew!]
> Would appreciat some help like you gave last 
> time.

Hi J.

Possibly a silly question, but if you have emacs and jedit set up and 
working, and if you're happy with them, why bother with vim?  It's just
another text editor and you already have two. Use whatever you're 
comfortable with, and gives you the results you needs. 
(Even MS notepad :-) )

This isn't an anti-vim post since it's my editor of choice... it's a
pro-simplicity post. 

My 2c


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