On 11/14/09 1:49 PM, "Jesús Guillermo Andrade" <gandr...@usermail.com>

> Dear fellows: I need to learn some fundamental inner working of the chord
> symbols. Regarding their placement in the page, I've tried the following
> construct in a single page:
>  \layout {
>     \context{ 
>       \Lyrics 
>       \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
>       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( 0 . 0 )
>     }
>     \context{  \ChordNames
>       \override ChordName #'(baseline-skip . 2)
>       %\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( -1 . 3 )
>     }
> It has been proved wrong, since the resulting symbols are not in the same
> fixed distance from the staff lines. So what can I do to control their
> position efectively in respect of the staff itself across all systems?
> If you may, please have a look at the attached image: 1st system is ok,
> whereas the next ones change continually over the rest of the song, showing
> different separations between the symbols and the top line of each staff.
> Perhaps its some sort of collission control in effect  here? I would need to
> set a fixed height for all chord symbols, then I would need to prevent
> collisions, but i guess that last part is taken care of automatically... or
> not?

What version of LilyPond are you using?  This looks like a bug that showed
up in 2.13.x (I don't remember exactly which version) and has been corrected
in 2.13.8 (which has not yet been released.

If you use 2.12, I don't think that you will have this problem.


Carl Sorensen

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