(oops, I forgot to include the list...)

Hugh Myers schrieb:
The following doesn't work(the commented out line in the TabStaff):

\version "2.12.2"
% test5.ly -- q&d testbed for mixed notation score and tab.
eMinor = < e   b  gis  e b e, >
firstBar = { \eMinor \eMinor \eMinor }

\time 3/4
  \new Staff \relative c'' {
    << { b c d } \\ { < gis, d e, >2. } >>
  \new TabStaff \relative c' {
%    << { b c d } \\ { < gis, d e, >2. } >>

What might? As the music in question transitions from monophonic to
polyphonic at will, I'd like to develop a general solution, but am
clueless at the moment.
This has been corrected in 2.13.x, so if you want, you can give the
latest version
a try. With 2.12.x, you'll have to explicitly declare the two different
voices before using
the implicit polyphony << \\ >> construct, see


(it is for percussion, but the same holds for tablature).

p.s. obviously I'm new to Lilypond so comments on anything else I'm
missing are certainly in order and welcome...
p.s.s. how do I get the first bar of the first measure numbered 1?
Here, the LSR is your friend. Have a look at



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