I'm working on a projekt more or less basede on the struktures and
models in the LSR snippet on anglican chant. My projekt is to create a
set of linked source- files and template- files to set texts for
Orthodox services (in Finish) to the fourpart melodic formulas
(eight "tones" with formulas for several different types of chant in
each) used in the Orthodox church in Finland.
The source- files will contain the musical material that is variables
with the melodiclines of each modelphrase in the different types of
chant (and of course for all the parts in the four part setting).
The template files there will hold the score- block where the user
enters these variables in the order of phrase cyckle for each type of
chant. The templates will also hold variables where the user can enter
the lyrics for each phrase. The musical material will be imported by
use of the \include {/filename./ly} command.
I would like to have point and click to the template- files only and
point and click dissabled to the source- files. The templates (or more
correctly copys of the templates) are something of a user interface
for the set of files. Adding a \pointAndClickOff command to the source-
file at the begining of the file doesn't work as it will dissable
point and click to the temlate file also.
The structure for a pair of files (source and template) is something
like this
Source- File
_%% variables for phrases
sopA = {
the inital pattern of the phrase ...
%% the music to the A phrase
the recitating note usualy a breve note
the finalis pattern of the phrase
sopB = ... the music for the second phrase of the sopranopart
et.c. et.c et.c
bassA = ... the music for the first phrase of the Basspart
bassB = ... the music of the second phrase of the Basspart
_Template in separate Template file_
\include "source.ly"
%% variables for the lyrics of each phrase
verseA = \lyricmode { %%
the lyrics of the A phrase
hypenated words to initial pattern of phrase
\markup { the words Many of them for the recitation note}
hypenated words to the finalis patern of the phrase.
verseB = \lyricmode ....the lyric for the second phrase
et.c. et.c.
\score {
\new Choirstaff
\new Staff = women
\context Voice = soprano {
\context Voice = alto et. c. et.c
\context Lyrics = sopranol \lyristo "soprano" {
\new Staff = men
\context Voice tenor {
\context Voice basso {
\layout {
%% headers and stuff
The code/ semicode above is a draft only. Point and click would be
needed to template file as
the user have to manipulate the lyrics in the variables for the lyric
phrases to get lyrics placed correctly to the melodic formulas of each
phrase as the paterns make a differense between notes for accented
sylables and un accented and the texts are not metrical poetry. As the
melodic formulas for each phrase are reused in extenso ( apart from some
variations manipulated by use of Tags)
the user dosb't have to and shouldn't manipulate the source files
especialy as the ide of the formulas are tho be able to use the same
source for several different texts.
Yours Andreas Stenberg
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