The work around looks good. Yes 'without intervening change' was not
clear. There are more than 20 bars between, but not enough to be on a
separate page. I'm beginning to think the Lilypond needs a global to
prevent 'favors'!


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Alexander Kobel <> wrote:
> Hugh Myers wrote:
>> I have two "\tempo 4=200" which admittedly follow each other without
>> intervening change. The second is not displayed. Why? How may this
>> behavior be modified?
> If "without intervening change" means at different locations, you probably
> can just make a hidden change in between:
>  \tempo 4 = 200
>  ...
>  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
>  \tempo 4 = 199
>  \unset Score.tempoHideNote  % or \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##f, both
> should work
>  ...
>  \tempo 4 = 200
> and everything should be printed fine. Spare it out for MIDI, of course.
> If "without intervening change" means at the same location, well, then
> you're in trouble. You can't have two MetronomeMarks at the same point in
> time, but you probably don't want this, too.
> If you really want something like this, you're better off using a custom
> markup.
> HTH,
> Alexander

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