Hugh Myers schrieb:
I see nothing in the sample that allows for monophonic. As given I
only see polyphonic. The piece I'm working on is a mixture of both---
which obviously means I must be able to switch from one to the other.
Again, the sample is only polyphonic--- I must be missing something.
Federico pointed out that his sample will ease things if your piece is *mostly* polyphonic.
If you use mainly polyphony, the following template should help you.
There is his explanation how to use the template.
Actually, you can use it also for a mixture of polyphony and monophony, just
add a spacer note if you want a voice to be silent.
In the parts where monophony is needed, you can add spacers in the other voice,
like this:

upper = \relative c' {
  c4 d e f % polyphonic
  g4 a b c % monophonic, see below
  b4 g e c % polyphonic again

lower = \relative c, {
 c2 g2 % polyphonic
 s1 % a spacer "disables" this voice tamporarily
 g2 c2 % and here we are again.


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