Hi all,

is it possible to have the Dynamics (the \p in the example below) in a layout like the "Piano centered dynamics" really centered between the staves (i.e., the staff lines), instead of centered between the skylines of all elements in the staves? I have a score where slurs, bars and attached stuff pushes the bottom staff very high, while the upper staff contains nearly no elements going down.

I imagine it could be possible using
  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'no-alignment = ##t
for the Dynamics and writing a custom Y-offset callback, which only considers the staff line positions of the surrounding staves. But I'd have to dig deep, and perhaps someone has an easier solution or already implemented some tweak.


<<inline: dynamics.preview.png>>

\version "2.13.8"

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff \repeat unfold 16 c''4
    \new Dynamics { s1\p s1*3 }
    \new Staff { \clef bass \dynamicUp \repeat unfold 8 c4 g'\< \repeat unfold 6 g' g'\! }
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