Hugh Myers schrieb:
Here is the shortest template I use:

\version "2.13.7"
upper = {
  b c d

upper = {
 \repeat unfold 100 {
   b c d
lower = {
  < gis, d e, >2.


lower = {
 \repeat unfold 100 {
   < gis, d e, >.


  \time 3/4
  \new Staff \relative c'' {
      \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
      \bar ""
      \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
      \set Score.defaultBarType = "|"
      \new Voice = "1" { \voiceOne \upper }
      \new Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \lower }
  \new TabStaff \relative c' {
      \new TabVoice = "t1" { \voiceOne \upper }
      \new TabVoice = "t2" { \voiceTwo \lower }

Could you show me how to modify it according to the example you sent?


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Hugh Myers <> wrote:
Second point taken. I hope you realize that 2.13 has bug fixes for
2.12--- yes? Without those, there is no project... I don't suppose you
took a look? Did you notice that in included tablature? If you had,
then you would perhaps have sent me a different 'Most spacing bugs can
be reproduced...' Also note that I made no claim of 'BUG'. I am new at
this and would more likely expect the problem to have been caused by
something I did, not a bug.

p.s. I am sufficiently new that I've no idea (although I can guess and
goggle) what you snippet does.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Graham Percival
<> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 09:57:00PM -0700, Hugh Myers wrote:
Pardon the length of the piece of code, but clearly demonstrates the
problem where as other pieces don't (got to be a page long for
\version "2.13.7"
I hope that you realize that 2.13.7 is an UNSTABLE, DEVELOPMENT
release.  If you would like to participate in de-bugging, your
help would be appreciated, but please supply small,
easy-to-understand examples.

Most spacing bugs can be reproduced with something like
\relative c' {
 \repeat unfold 128 { c4 c c c }

- Graham

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