2009/12/13 Trevor Daniels <t.dani...@treda.co.uk>:
> James
> If you look at the full score which Glendan attached you'll see the missing
> bits, and also see that there are voices nested within voices in the full
> score.  This seems to be a requirement to demonstrate this bug, although I
> haven't the time to narrow it down at the moment.

It's this line which is the problem:

\context { \Voice  \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t }

There's a bit of confusion concerning the behaviour of
'ignore-collision: it's not just for shutting up annoying compilation
warnings; it also prevents collision resolution between clashing

A temporary \revert in both voices where the clash occurs will sort this out:

\once \revert NoteColumn #'ignore-collision


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