It is possible, it just depends on how adept you are and what you want really want out of your OS.

For example I have used Damn Small Linux, booting from a USB stick then download the applications from with then RAM disk image this loads (including Lilypond and a PDf viewer etc) and then make the settings persistent so the next time you boot it keeps all the files.


and this worked well. It's just that DSL has minimal GUI and pretty much everything is CLI - at least when I used it.

I haven't tried this for the 2.12 version but 2.10 worked like a charm.

But you don't need an internet connection anyway to run lilypond, so why not just copy files FROM a computer that does using (oh I don't know, CD/DVD?) and then you're all set.

All you need are the exe files surely and install them? Unless I am really missing something here.

chip wrote:
> Is it possible to just download everything needed to make an install
> disk that includes jedit/lilypondtool/other plugins (I have 17 plugins
> installed)? I want to get a computer that has no internet connection set
> up for working on music and lily.
> Thanks,
> chip
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chip wrote:
Is it possible to just download everything needed to make an install disk that includes jedit/lilypondtool/other plugins (I have 17 plugins installed)? I want to get a computer that has no internet connection set up for working on music and lily.

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