On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 17:21 +0100, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010 17:02:18 schrieb David Kastrup:
> > Alexander Kobel <n...@a-kobel.de> writes:
> > > Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> > >> LilyPond 2.12.2 and 2.13.1 display the Lyrics lines correctly, at
> > >> regular distances.
> > >>
> > >> It seems the new vertical spacing engine in 2.13.10 has not (yet)
> > >> sensible defaults for Lyrics contexts?
> > >
> > > I suppose it's because the spacing in 2.12 only relied on the Y-extent
> > > property, which defaults to a value including usual extenders of the
> > > glyphs?
> > 
> > TeX's algorithm is that the baselines of successive lines are placed
> > \baselineskip apart, unless that makes the depth of the previous line
> > and the height of the current come closer than \lineskiplimit, in which
> > case the separation is chosen as \lineskip.
> That's basically the approach taken by Joe for spacing staves: Place the 
> center lines minimum-spacing apart, except if the skylines would (almost?) 
> overlap (including a padding). In the latter case add space until no overlap 
> occurs. Of course, when stretching is enabled, things are a little more 
> involved.
> I just don't know how Joe aligns lyrics, in particular, whether only the 
> extents are used or whether the baseline is used like the center line for 
> staves.

The minimum-distances are measured from the "origin" of the line. That
is, if the extent of a staff is (-5 . 5) then we measure from the
center. Thus, we just need to make sure that the "origin" of a Lyrics
line is its baseline (I can't check this right now). Then it should be
sufficient just to set minimum-distance to the desired line-skip.


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