Patrick McCarty wrote:
The cache is located in $HOME/.lilypond-fonts.cache-2 (or the equivalent on Windows)

Well, I didn't understand what "the equivalent" was referring to, but this got me doing the same searches again, and some more, and even more. And then I found the cache in an unrelated path in an unrelated partition. See hindsight.txt for an explanation. I suppose lily prefers HOME and only uses %USERPROFILE% if HOME is undefined. I can now delete the cache and experiment:
delete cache; run 2.12.1 (ok); run 2.12.3 (ok); run 2.12.1 (ok) delete cache; run 2.12.3 (ok); run 2.12.1 (nok); run 2.12.3 (ok)

So I am back in business, with regression stuff maybe needing an initial
  RD /S /Q "%USERPROFILE%\.lilypond-fonts.cache-2"

Jan 2000 Move to Win98 on a new PC Jun 2000 Try out a Win32 port of dia in my application partition at E:\dia This expects a valid environment variable HOME, so change AUTOEXEC.BAT to include: set HOME=E:\dia\home No success; give up. (And forget, over the years.) Jan 2006 Try out lily 2.6.5; it sees HOME and puts its cache in E:\dia\home

Aug 2007 Winsock is corrupted and LSPfix makes it worse, so have no mail or web. Instead of reinstalling Win98, decide to move quickly to XP on a new disk while still using offline Win98 apps on the old disk. Choose Boot-US for dualbooting, but only after having considered/tried lots of other methods, during which the Win98 AUTOEXEC.BAT was copied from the old disk to the new (by me, or maybe by Win98). Dec 2007 Move from lily 2.8.6 on Win98 to 2.10.33 on XP. Although XP has AUTOEXEC.NT as a replacement for AUTOEXEC.BAT, it still honors the environment variables specified in AUTOEXEC.BAT. ( These are however only defined for the command console; they are not listed by the msinfo32 or SystemProperties-Advanced GUIs. Lily 2.10.33 sees HOME and put its cache in E:\dia\home, where E: is now a rarely visited partition on the new disk. Dec 2009 Install lily 2.13.9 over deactivated 2.12.1; reactivated 2.12.1 crashes. Find two caching folders within %USERPROFILE% but no sign of lily's active cache, either there or indeed anywhere on C:. Stumped. Jan 2010 See HOME listed by command console's set.
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